Pukenga Whakakikiri Repromed

Ka tautoko matou nga tika a Maori kia whai wahanga mo whanau, hapu, me iwi i roto i nga ahuatanga katoa e pa ana ki te whakaora me te tohutohu hoki.

Mehemea he hiahia au e pa ana ki nga tikanga maori, tikanga wairua mo te whakawteatanga o nga kakano, heki, tatea, kikokiko whakawhanau ranei, kia horo te whakapa atu ki nga kaimahi o Repromed.

Ka whakanuia e matou nga hiahia hauora, haua hoki, nga tikanga, uaratanga i roto i te ahua manaaki, me e tautuhi ana koe he Maori.

Na reira, ka whakaae a Repromed kia taea e Maori te whai wahi mo whanau, hapu me iwi i roto i te whakaora, tautoko, mahere whakaora me te tohutohu mehemea ko tenei to hiahia.

Ka manakohia te urunga mai o Kaumatua / Kuia.

Hei awhina i a Repromed ki te whakapumau tautoko kia ahei tonu a Maori ki a ratou tikanga i te wa e whiwhi ana i nga umanga whakakikiri, e inoi ana a Repromed kia horo te korero atu ki a ratou kaimahi mo nga tikanga / mahi-a-whanau / taha wairua / te taiao / taha tinana / me te taha hinengaro.

We support the rights of Māori to have whānau, hapū and iwi involvement in all aspects of treatment including counselling.

Please inform our Repromed staff as soon as possible if you have any cultural or spiritual requirements relating to the disposal of embryos/eggs/sperm or reproductive tissue.

Patients who identify themselves as Māori will have their health and disability needs met in a manner that is respectful and acknowledges their values and beliefs.

Therefore Repromed ensures Māori are able to have whānau, hapū and iwi involvement in treatment /support/treatment planning/review and advocacy, if requested.

The involvement of Kaumatua/Kuia is acknowledged.

To assist Repromed to ensure support for Māori to be able to continue their cultural and traditional practices whilst receiving fertility services Repromed requests Maori discuss their cultural, social, spiritual, whānau, environmental, physical and emotional requirements with staff as early as possible.


Megan Black
Nurse Manager


Megan leads the nursing team through the continually changing face of IVF. She works in a multidisciplinary team, providing the essential organization between the doctors and laboratory and ensuring communication between all departments.

Megan started her IVF nursing career in the United Kingdom, working in two large London clinic’s before returning to New Zealand. She is also the Secretary of Fertility Nurses of Australasia.

I love working with people and see nursing as a vocation, not a job. I usually spend my downtime absorbed in a good book and planning my next travel adventure.